Enterprise Risk Management combining both ISO 31000 and COSO ERM frameworks into a comprehensive Governance, RIsk and Compliance (GRC) framework.

Risk Intelligence: AI in Risk Management

Risk Intelligence How Artificial Intelligence can transform Risk Management is an executive’s guide to using AI related technologies to transform ERM to a proactive management tool for informed risk-based decision-making

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Read more about the article Artificial Intelligence (AI) for risk-based decision-making
The Future of ERM

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for risk-based decision-making

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can supercharge risk-based decision-making. By applying AI techniques to Scenario Analysis, you can identify the affect that current events will have on your strategic and tactical objectives.

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Read more about the article PDCA is NOT Best Practice
Continuous Improvement can be better served by Realization, Optimizartion and Innovation.

PDCA is NOT Best Practice

There is a gaggle of Management Consultants pushing the 20th century mantra of Good Management Practice as a panacea to all the ill of today’s business environment. The key plank in most of these methodologies is that old chestnut “the PDCA cycle” for Continuous Improvement. If your consultant wears this as a badge, run a mile!

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Read more about the article Welcome to AI Based Risk Management
Transforming business with artificial intelligence based risk managment

Welcome to AI Based Risk Management

From Trump and Brexit to BLM and COVID-19, we are living times of uncertainty. The readiness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and disruptive technologies, bring a new dimension to risk as a value-adding component of Strategic Management.

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